Production Diaries 2nd - 6th Dec
This week was our final rehearsal week before the shows. We brough in our costumes today to start doing full costume runs of Pinocchio, making sure we had all the costumes that were needed for each of our characters, as I am playing many different characters I have a lot of costume to sort after, a suit for town father, and childish costume for child 2, costume for Stromboli of course and costume for bandmember and roustabout. As my role of stage manager I cant really start doing what I need to do until we haven moved into the arc, however days like this I can help organize costumes for casts, making sure there's no confusion and if anyone has any questions then they can come to me.
Nothing else new today we are just drilling these scenes so we can be ready to do a tech run straight away when we get into the arc. I am still practicing my vocals for stromboli as my voice as recovered from mw being ill, as for his scene I am pretty much ready.
Rest day
Today was our first rehearsal day at the Arc, as Stage Manager, I was helping move set over from college to our new rehearsal space, making sure we had everything we needed like props, costumes and big pieces of set like tables and the whale. the whole was about 9 foot and count fir into the van so me and a my fellow helpers had to walk it all the way the the Stockton arc..
Today we are doing a run through of each cast, My cast went first and I have to say it want very well, I feel a lot more confident now and as for my singing I believe it went really well. All my costume is sorted as well and it felt really good to get into character, as for notes I think I just need to let go even more and as for my marionets I need to take my pauses as i am speaking to them to make I sound more like they are actually talking to me even though in reality he is actually speaking to himself.
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