Production Diaries 30th sept - 3rd oct


Today we did some tasks to understand a secret or a clue as it is an element we are weaving into the ghost light tour. We got into groups and put together a scene from the film Clue, we decided to take a slap stick approach towards it, big characters and a lot of movement. I had the role of colonel mustard which  was a fun character to make big, I made him into a big brash bumbling presence which fit in well with all the other characters. This is all taught us how to work together and to understand the theme of a secret, to understand the characters motives.  


 Today we where given the first draft of the ghost light tours, We used this to practice our scene for the characters we are going for. The section for Sweeney Todd relies on a lot of tension and dark humour a lot like it is in the film. We went through it seeing what we could make of it and how to adapt it to the audience. 


Today we headed to York to experience the York dungeons to research how the actors engage with the audience. 

we got scared:



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