Production Diaries 9th - 12th September


We started off the new year with getting to know our first years. getting to know there names and a little bit about themselves. As the first full day of learning with the the year ones we worked together as a team on some improve. I can defiantly see improvements from last year on my improve sills. But first we did a few warm ups such as "what are you doing". this game requires you to stand in a circle and do an action of some sort like digging or fishing or walking a dog. Anyone has reign to walk in and ask them what they are doing were they reply with another action which the play that has walked in has to do. The point of the game is to just go with it as the actions can get quite crazy. We continued with the theme of improvisation where we all as a group acted out a robbery in a store, all as different characters interaction in different ways to the robbery.

 my monologue I found that I quite liked:


during our independent study on the morning, we got ourselves familiar with Stanislavsky. Researching his methods and his background. We also had a task set for us where we needed to find a monologue in our playing range that we felt was right for us. The task proved difficult and will require some more time to find the right monologue for me. After this we went to class to discuss unis and the next  steps we have to take to get there. We went through UCAS, what to expect in an audition, entry requirements, personal statements and where would be best for us.


Today we had a big discussion about villains. Mainly what makes one and there character traits, they can be narcissistic, delusional, irrational and they might even have an evil laugh. All this is being put towards our next project where we will be playing villains in an interactive tour. a villain is probably one of the hardest character to develop, they need a clear motive and distinctive characterisation. To get ourselves in the mind of a villain we walked around the room using a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being our normal self and 10 being out own villain be created ourselves. we had to think mostly of our physicality, movement and facial expressions. Then we finished of the day with working on our movement, there is more of a focus on movement this year to keep ourselves fit and to improve on our physicality.


Today we had a big look at Shakespeare with Tom, looking at his hidden rhythms and sorting out his monologues into comedy, history and tragedy. We will be expected to know 2 Shakespeare monologues, one being a comedy and another being a tragedy. We all chose a monologue to have a look at, I chose Mark Antony's speech from Julius Caesar. We highlighted lots of language Shakespeare used like different pronouns such as thy, thine, the and thou and learnt what they mean. Today we also started on acting for screen. We got given a lot of insight into the industry and a task given to us to direct a duologue for theatre and then one for screen. This is to show how you have to tailor yourself differently to screen and theatre.


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