Production Diaries 16th - 19th September


A big look today at our diction, our regional accents really shaft us when it comes to a lot of our pronunciations. It doesn't help when it comes to our "T's" and "B's". To tackle this, we teamed up in pairs, and set out to perfect a tongue twister we had each been given. Me and my partner Beth had been given a tricky one, "is a black bug bleeds black blood, what blood does a blue bug bleed?". This took a lot of practice but we got there eventually. 


Today we have been introduced into duologues. We have been teamed up with people we don't usually work with to work on a duologue together from Dear Evan Hansen. We chose a tense scene between two characters with a clear power imbalance, one is very vulnerable and one is very confrontational. I am playing the conformational character to stretch my abilities. Also, this morning during our independent study time we carried on in our group (Kieran, Ben, George, Erin and me) to create a short warm up session to do for the class.


Cracking on with our ghost light tour project, we all went of to discus characters, so far we have a collection of fictional villains that we are set on having in the the show. I have took a big interest into Sweeney Todd as he is a character I have not yet played, a very serious, driven villain that is far away from my usual performances. I really do feel like I have to play more villains this year. I discussed his character with Connor who is also interested in playing the role of Sweeney Todd and we unpacked a lot about his traits, backstory and how we think we would play him. 


Today we are looking back on our Shakespeare monologues to polish them off somewhat. We had been given some time to go a research the plays we have took our monologue from to learn the context. Mine being Julies Caesar, I stared to fact check my knowledge about the plot, the relations between characters and the motive of the character i will be playing. I have choses to do Mark Antony's famous speech "friends, romans, countrymen". I just feel like there's a lot to unpack with not just the monologue but the character. Mark Antony takes a complete right turn after Caesar's death, becoming a murderous villain who stops at nothing to avenge his death. The monologue itself shows best this turn from an underdog to Brutus and the conspirators biggest rivals. In his speech he easily turns the tables back onto the conspirators which requires a really convincing performance to pull off. After this we moved onto our portion of the week where we look at acting for screen. This was really fun as we got to do some directing where me and my directing partner had a lot of fun doing. It was a short scene where two characters have a confutation, two different motives with two different personality's. I loved watching this from a different perspective it was almost an eye opener.  

the scene we had to do: 



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