Production Diaries, 25th - 28th March


On the come down from Shout now, back into the swing of things until we move to York to preform it again. We can focus more on our student led project's such as "stuff" and "hunt". However, we started off the morning with a big warm up called, the worst audition ever, just as a little what not to do when it comes to the upcoming auditions for thew end of year show. We where given a piece in a group to preform, the catch was that the two people doing it had to play one extreme to the other, one person that has to completely go over the top with it and the other has to go completely monotone. It was an interesting way at looking at an audition, doing completely the wrong thing that is. we also did some blocking today for "hunt". I really am a fan of this script and its chemistry, its just a really fun scrip with a lot of comedy and just a good story. 


 Today is the day, our presentation on Mike Alfreds to present to the class. To be honest I was really proud of me and Keiran, the presentation went down really well, we kept everyone's attention by using a carefully planed out lesson and working with everyone closely. We distinguished ourselves by knowing our facts and not reading off the board. We started out with an ice breaker to grab everyone's attention then straight into the boring bit, the facts and his journey through being a theatre practitioner remembering to keep it interesting and engaging. We then moved on to the practical which everyone loved, everyone took part and we even sat down with everyone after and asked how we felt about it. I then moved on to his other techniques he uses and then Kieran moved on to some of his work. We then moved the floor onto everyone else to see if anyone had any questions and we had a lot! We answered them very well. 


Today we got back a load of feedback from the national theatre, all good as well. The feedback was amazing and we could tell our hard work paid off. 


A very interesting day today, yesterday we were tasked the challenge of preforming a scene with very short notice, called bouncers. We went ALL out. The plot was very simple, four characters play two  different characters, from lads lads to girly girls, all on a night out. We carefully choreographed a funny well put together but of chemistry. We all came prepared with dresses and lip stick, we really got stuck into the roles...



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