Production Diaries, 11th - 14th March


More Monday more Shout, we really seem to be shifting up a gear with it, there's so many great ideas being flung around, seeing what's sticking and what looks good. There is a big effort with this show, everyone has something to bring the table, I satin on a scene today with the freaks and geeks (the outcasts in this play what are a bit weird) and I though I was coming together so well. Me and Keiran decided to breath some more life into our characters for shout and landed on a plan to become the business men of the collage, suppliers of chewing gum, Lucozade's, sweets and blue tac. The enraptures of the collage, cornering the market then raising the price, ripping off anyone we can for a few extra pennis, not like we need it, we are well off as it is, we just do it for fun! Apart from that we did some more of "stuff" which is going really well, my character Frankie seems to be growing on me.

Freaks and geeks scene: 

I am really beginning to like our chosen Theatre practitioners Mike Alfreds, We have some time to spend on our lesson plan on Tuesdays and we are finding out a lot about him that we like. Mainly his big focus on the actor, letting creativity breed for the actor and letting the world build around the performance. He has quite a life in theatre, studying and directing form Israel to L.A. 


Another big push with "Stuff" still working on blocking, lines and directing, I can proudly say I made the first official props shelf for stuff today which I am incredibly happy about. Apart from that there was more Shout rehearsals but I mostly found myself doing some independent work today (I was quite tired but nothing that a warm up game like ninja could solve). I would say I am really looking forward to the end of year show One flew over the coocoos nest, which is an incredible piece filled with a lot of powerful performances, it a very high level piece of work, I would also say I am very exited to go through the audition proses where we have to audition to be in the actual show not just for a part, so I have been rooting for the right monologue.


Another big look at Shout today, shifting up another gear for the oncoming show, I have manged to slip myself in a few more scenes in the show cause why not, I like being there.  
