Production diaries, 5th-8th February



Kicking off the week by delving into new ideas for out connections script. We really are trying to explore what interesting things we can do with the scenes that we think the national theatre will like. We decided to focus on the therapist scene were we had a lot of free reign to mess around and see what stuck. We used colourful sock puppets designed like snakes (the scene is about a therapist trying to use a type of exposure therapy on Dana using fake snakes). My group came up with a scene were the snakes surround Dana to the pink panther theme tune, it turned out really well.



This week is all about getting some post production scenes shot to finally wrap up the feature film. Today we shot a small section of scene ten to improve some entry shots and reaction shots to improve the whole scene. Another taster of the industry, ironing out the inevitable hiccups. This only took an hour or so but is so necessary to make this feature film the best it can be. After this we went back to work on connections by working on the world around Dana, building the world by looking at the first scene in collage where every friendship group is out on the yard and reacting to Dana.


Today we had another post production scene to complete for tides, just a few more reaction shots to improve on, then we are so close to complete the film and then it can be edited for the premiere. After this we went back to class to do a task Kelly had given us. We were all given a starting line and a finishing line and then we were given the freedom to build a story around that. It was a really fun challenge that got people thinking about world building and story telling through performance.

Today we were at the arc for Alan's play snowdrop, a fellow student who was granted the Stockton Arc to put on a show for free. the play is about a Ukrainians struggle to get to the UK and the struggle living there to. He used a lot of his own personal experiences to develop the play and he ever so kindly gave me a small role to play in the show. I was playing a polish boy at the border of Poland feeding refugees and helping out. A character that is a bit immature but for the best(he does not act his own age), he has a sister and family that he cares about and he is doing this good out the kindness of his heart. The show is tomorrow and today the rehearsals went very well. In the meantime we where told to practice lines and finish off whatever work we could 

Today is show-day. A very emotional day for Alan but all went well, the show was amazing and everyone put tin the max amount of effort to help out, it felt great to be apart of such an important story.    



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