production diaries, 4th- 7th December


today we are running over any and smoothing out everything we need to for the run throughs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each cast is getting a run through once a day so cast 1 run through on Tuesday, Wednesday cast 2 and Thursday cast 3. For this week the majority is left up to us to practice ourselves independently and with others to get everything spot on. An example of which was today as we were all hands on deck, running through lines and scenes ready for the week ahead.


Today was cast ones run through where I perform as a lost boy. Today was a chance for me to switch up my character of peter pan and use it to perform as a lost boy, it was a very helpful day to practice as this character with others and seeing what else I can do with him. Also today I was practicing my vocals for my songs.


Today was my casts run through so I was active throughout the whole day trying my best and acting out like I was on stage at the arc already. I took notes played around with what I could do and what sticks. Today was very well received and helped me out a lot to improve my character and how I perform on stage. 


Cast threes, run through today which means I play the small part as the shadow, similar to tinker bell, it does not say anything so he relies heavily on expression (plus nobody can see facial expressions through the morph suit to it is all down to body language) I think I pull this character off very well as I can play him very comedically, this physical comedy is something I quiet enjoy and would like to experiment with more in the future. 
