Production diaries - 22rd, 25th January
Today was a day for enrichment as it was quite busy because of the callbacks for connections, for the people who didn’t get called back or were not a part of it we needed to keep ourselves occupied, we did so be doing numerous games and activities to help with concentration, quick thinking and improvisation. Then we were given the task of handing a scene that was given to us in pairs or threes. I ended up in a three where I had aced out a situation where I was stuck in an elevator with two random people, the point of this exercise was to really listen and respond to the other characters. It was fun to see everyone’s work. We then had to add an improvised version on the end of the scene which was very interesting and allowed us to get creative.
Homework task:
This week we have been given a vocal task to improve on any areas where we are lacking such as diction, volume or clarity. I identified that my diction is lacking due to my accent. I blatantly miss out the T so I decide I am going to work on this. I have found 4 tongue twisters that help with the letter T and have ranked them form easiest to hardest.
The tongue twisters from easiest to hardest:
Two to two to Toulouse,
Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town,
“Under the mother otter” muttered the other otter
Don’t trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you! If you trouble trouble, triple trouble troubles you!
I will then start from the easiest and perfect one a day and tally the amount of times it takes.
Today’s tongue twister (Two to two to Toulouse) took me 3 attempts to get it perfect.
today we look further into theatre practitioners, we have been given the task to search for one ourselves and then present and teach a class in there style and techniques. I partnered up with Keiran and we decided to study Mike Alfred’s as he interested me and Keiran, his Stavlaskie approach to theatre and his true beliefs in a great performance and how one goes about freeing the actor. Very powerful words.
Mike Alfred’s:
Homework task,
todays tongue twister, two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
This again to 3 attempts to do.
Filming today, it our revisit off site to Seaton Carew to reshoot our scene with Jonno and most importantly Jacks breakdown in the sea. This moment really is a breaking point for jack, he is fully letting go after drinking a full bottle of vodka, not caring what anyone thinks of him, he is truly in his own world trying to escape his own body, fearing for his life and trying to taste the slightest hint of freedom. It had to be powerful and it had to be genuine, he doesn’t have to be good at dancing, he is erratic and and mentally snapped. The music that i danced to was transmission by joy devision, this song was perfect, it was amazing for this scene and it allowed me to let go. This had been the most emotional piece I have ever had to perform. Fittingly the working title has now be change to “Tides”
Me lying cold and soaking wet and the sandy beaches of Seaton Carew:
Homework task:
Todays tongue twister, “under the mother otter” muttered the other otter
This took me 5 attempts (definitely getting harder but I am improving my diction)
Today we started to look at letting go again, by trying to switch off the monologue inside our heads. We did a fun exercise where someone would act as the voice inside our heads while acting a scene with someone else having someone act as the voice inside their head. We chose to do a simple coffee shop break up with two other people actually b as our voices and it changed the whole perspective of the scene, it shows us how we can’t help but listen to the voice even how much nonsense it spews out at you, however that shows us how much it puts us off.
Homework task:
This one was really hard… Don’t trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you! If you trouble trouble, triple trouble troubles you!
This was was to difficult and I feel like if I didn’t perfect and practice the other tongue twisters I wouldn’t have been able to do it at all. This took me 12 times to complete.
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