Production diaries 20th-23rd November
Today was a nose dive into Peter Pan trying to go through every scene with every cast. A real shift in attitude, everyone is ready to work and put together a great show. A lot of my efforts were put into a section of a fight scene, we went over a rough draft of how the fight would pan out with our fight captain to make sure everyone would be safe. Apart from that the rest of the day was spent learning lines and going through scenes a cast at a time.
Me going though the fight with my hook:
More efforts were spent on the fight scene today with our newly assigned fight captains, this is because we had each been given a production role. I was given the role of stage manager as I thought it would be an interesting job to be responsible for. It requires good listening and even better response, I need to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible for my cast whether it be costume, props or movement related. Apart from this we continued to run through scenes and get a rough outline of how the whole show will pan out.
More fight scene:
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