production diaries 2nd - 5th October


A big lesson today in diction. A very important skill which definitely needs to be applied to our north east accents. We practiced our diction by reciting many lounge twisters. "He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts" was the twister that our group was given to perfect and then perform Infront of the other groups for them to learn and repeat. This also tests how well we work together by testing how well we can keep up with each other to make the tongue twister sound perfect. Enrichment activities where thought up and brainstormed for our enrichment tasks towards the end of the day. I chose something that leant towards my goal of trying new things and constantly pushing myself outside my comfort zone which was to wright a monologue about yourself or someone that inspires you and then perform it Infront of an audience, already this enrichment task daunted me and when I singed up for it I immediately wanted to change to another task. This is exactly why I need to do this task, will I be any good at it? maybe not, or maybe yes. The point is I need to find out and develop what skills I come across.



An incredibly exiting look into stage combat today which will play a big part in our upcoming peter pan show. We touched upon 4 simple yet iconic moves today like the right hook, the uppercut, the hair grab and the foot stamp. I bet all my pocket money you have seen at least one of these moves in a show and especially in a panto. All of these moves of cores have to be done safely, we touched upon on how to keep yourself and others safe while faking punches and other moves. Eye contact is key to make sure no one is hurt as it is basically consent to being "punched" or to "punch" them. Having to fake it is a lot of throwing yourself around and going with the flow which was overall very fun. we then choregraphed a fight scene in as the lost boys versing the pirates in peter pan, its meant to be so chaotic the audience doesn't know where to look. However behind the scenes its very different as it is very tightly choregraphed which also makes us have to rely on our acting skills to make it look more believable.


A lot of improve today and preparation. We needed to plan out a whole scene within ten minutes in a small group. The scene had to start out with a a set scenario. Ours was a very violent set up where a character has to run in a room with a knife contemplating what he has done. The 5 minutes gave us just enough time to Know where we should take the story but not enough time to completely script it so we ended up doing a whole lot of improv. The team effort was put into play with ideas being thrown off the wall by everyone and we all absorbed these ideas and played around with them. Tomorrow I will be auditioning for a part in the Halloween show where I will be auditioning for the part of sherlock Holmes, big part that requires quit wit and clarity with an indulging performance for the other performances be pulled off. I worked on my duolog with my Dr Watson. We originally tried to wright it with me as Watson but we found it better in each others roles. We wrote our piece by trying improv, looking to where it would take us and seeing what worked best for our characters. 



Auditions for the globe today where me and another friend performed a duologue. I played Sherlock and he played Watson, we both hope to land these roles and we felt we put on a good performance that showed our understanding of our characters. We then tried our audition with a group and guided them like a tour guide. This was an absolute disaster but we felt like we could iron out our mistakes and improve from it massively. It was good first hand experience of an audition we learned how to act, prepare and grow from it.

the piece I wrote:

Sherlock waits patiently in his office reading a notebook, he hears an obvious clamper of slightly limping footsteps down the corridor.

*knock knock*

Sherlock:  “Coming!”

Opens door to John H. Watson 

Watson: “ah good evening, Mr sherlock, I presume- (sticks his hand out to shake his hand but is left waiting)-. I’m here for the position as your-“

Sherlock: (finally shakes Watsons hand) biographer. Please call me sherlock.”

Sherlock pays close attention to his wrist and stature.

Watson: “ah yes as you wish”

Sherlock: “should I call you Dr Watson?- (Watson becomes confused and intrigued)-Afghanistan am I correct?”

Watson: “well… yes how? How do you?”

Sherlock: “well its obvious you served, slight limp of the leg like you have been shot or injured  I can tell by the increased amount of exerted pressure on the right leg and from the clambering outside my office echoed through my hallway. An obvious tan mark of a distinctive military service watch worn by medical personal and your posture screams military.”

Watson: “well I presume this is why they call you London’s greatest detective”

Sherlock: “well that's what the papers say, I would like of myself better than that, so you think you have what it takes?

Watson: “of course-"

Sherlock: “good now you do know you will be accompanying me to all my crime scenes”

Watson: “that should be quite alright”

sherlock “excellent come along now Watson”.

Sherlock gently pats Watson’s back before hastily running of

Watson: “Sorry, already? Mr sherlock!”


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